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Soal UTS Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester 2 Semua Mata Pelajaran

Soal UTS Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester 2 Semua Mata Pelajaran - Uji Tengah Semester merupakan salah satu kegiatan rutin setiap pertengah semester dan biasanya dilaksanakan UTS sebagai salah satu ujian setelah dilaksanakannya beberapa pertemuan materi pelajaran.

Untuk semester 1 biasanya dilaksanakan antara akhir bulan september dan awal bulan oktober. Untuk semester 2 dilaksanakan pada akhir bulan maret dan awal bulan april.

Soal UTS Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester 2 Semua Mata Pelajaran

Untuk Jadwal kegiatan UTS ini dilaksanakan sesuai dengan jadwal seperti biasa dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan tidak adanya Panitia Khusus tetapi untuk hasilnya bisa dilaporkaun ke pihak sekolah sebagai arsip sekolah dan guru.

Bagi siswa yang mendapatkan nilai kurang memuaskan biasanya guru memberikan tugas atau adanya kegiatan remedial seperti halnya Ujian Akhir Semester 1 dalam waktu pelaksanaan PORAK/PORSENI. Hal ini dikarenakan siswa harus tetap mencapai kompetensi yang sudah di tetapkan (KKM) dari setiap Indikator mata pelajaran untuk nanti sebagai pertimbangan tambahan nilai di akhir semester.

Disini kami mencoba membagikan contoh soal UTS semester 2 bagi Kelas 7 jenjang SMP/MTs semua mata pelajaran. Adapun mata pelajaran tersebut meliputi :
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Bahasa Inggris
  • Muatan Lokal Bahasa dan Sastra Jawa
  • Fikih/ Fiqih
  • Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA)
  • Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS)
  • Matematika
  • Penjaskes
  • PKn
  • Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam
  • Bahasa Arab
  • Akidah Akhlak
  • Al Qur'an Hadits
  • Seni Budaya
  • Prakarya
Semua soal UTS semester 2 Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Kurikulum 2013 ini diambil dari Buku Guru dan Siswa atau Buku Pegagan Guru & Siswa Kurikulum 2013 dari Kemdikbud. Dan untuk Mata Pelajaran Keagamaan di MTS diambil pula dari Buku Pegangan Guru dan Siswa K13 Revisi 2018 dari Kemenag.

Salah satu contohnya bisa dilihat dibawah ini ;

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester 2

Fill in the blanks no. 1-5 below with the right words / phrases!

1. Kelly : Grace, may I help you to cook dinner?
Grace : … Kell, but it is better you study.
Kelly : OK. I hope you can finish it soon.

2. Brian : … to eat lunch with me at home?
Andre : Thank you Brian, but I am so busy.

3. Zahra : … to mop the floor, Mom?
Mother : Thank you Zahra. You’re very kind. But you said that you have English test at school tomorrow.

4. X : Hello, Peter. I forget to bring my mobile phone. I left it on the table. Can you take and bring it for me?
Y : … Sir. I will take it and bring it to you soon.

5. Lina : ... your dictionary for a moment, Din? I forget to bring my dictionary today.
Dina: It’s OK. I’ll take it in my bag for you.
The text below is for the questions no.6-9!

How To Make Instant Cereal
a. After that, pour 250 cc hot water, stir well. Leave it for about 5 minutes so that the cereal become thickened!
b. Finally, spread crackers and fried onion. The cereal is ready to be served.
c. Secondly, put instant cereal into bowl
d. Then, add spices and flavor available and taste it (give more as the taste you want)
e. First, cut off the cover of instant cereal.

6. What type of text is it?

7. What is the beginning step to make it?

8. What is the best arrangement to make instant cereal?

9. How many steps should you do it?
Fill in the blanks below with the right words!

10. Lily : What is your opinion about Tempe Penyet Cak Selamet, Mey?
Mey : … I always buy it every Saturday night.
Lily : I agree with you. It has been a long time, I don’t buy it since I move to Jakarta. I miss the taste very much.
Mey : Yupps. It’s so spicy and hot.

Questions 11-12 are based on the text below.

Tasya is a good poem writer
Tasya likes writing a poem (puisi/syair) in her spare time. She usually writes about love, adventures and beautiful sceneries of nature.
She also writes poems about her favorite figures and actors or actress like Harry Potter, Tom Cruise and Leonardo Decaprio. Now she has 79 collections of poems and she keeps them in a big and thick poem album in her bedroom.

11. What is Tasya’s hobby?

12. How many poems does she have now?

13. Arrange the words below into good sentences!
a. not – is – sister – playing – dolls – the – my – with – friends ............................................................
b. TV – now – living room – parents – watching the – are – your – in – ? .............................................................

14. Fill in the blanks with ‘some’ or ‘any’!
a. Virsa doesn’t bring … pen in her bag.
b. Did your brother have … stamps? Yes, he did.

Questions 15-19 are based on the text.
Read the text below carefully!
Mr. Ibrahim is a bird lover. He likes petting birds very much. He also uses his hobby for business to get money. There are many kinds of birds in his house and shop. He has 25 canaries, 20 parakeets, 15 parrots, 18 doves, 30 finches and many others. He has a shop in Citra Sentosa market. He sells birds and cages. He gets much money from selling the birds and cages. He has 5 workers who help him in the shop. He has a big house and an expensive car. He spends most of his time in his shop to sell his birds with his workers. He manages his workers to give food and drink for his birds. His most favorite bird is a parrot, its name is Colly. He really loves Colly because it is very smart and can speak English well.

15. What type of text is it?

16. What is the purpose of the text?

17. How does mr. Ibrahim spend most of his time?

18. How many finches does he have?

19. Why does he really love his parrot named Colly?

20. Fill in the blanks below with the right words!
Bagus : Denis, come here, please! Can you help me?.
Denis : (a) … . What is the matter, Gus?
Bagus : I’ m sick so I cannot go to school tomorrow. (b) … give this letter to our teacher tomorrow?
Denis : Of course, Bagus. I’ll do it.
Bagus : Thank you so much Denis.

Bagi anda yang membutuhkan seluruh Soal UTS Semester 2 Kelas 7 SMP/MTs semua Mata Pelajaran bisa dengan mudah mendapatkannya melalui tautan link berikut ini ;

Soal UTS Bahasa Indonesia Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Muatan Lokal Bahasa dan Sastra Jawa Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Fikih/ Fiqih Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Matematika Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Penjaskes Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS PKn Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Bahasa Arab Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Akidah Akhlak Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Soal UTS Al Qur'an Hadits Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI

Soal UTS Seni Budaya Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI

Soal UTS Prakarya Semester 2 Kelas 7 KLIK DISINI
Itulah kiranya berbagi file mengenai Soal UTS Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester 2 Semua Mata Pelajaran , Semoga bisa membantu Bapak/ibu Guru mata pelajaran dimanapun berada. Semoga bermanfaat.
Itulah Kiranya Informasi dan Berbagi File Soal UTS Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester 2 Semua Mata Pelajaran pada kesempatan kali ini yang termasuk kedalam kategori Bank Soal, SMP/MTs, SMPLB. Semoga bisa menjadi solusi dan referensi dalam pencarian selama ini di Google.

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